Happy New Year and thanks for faving
moritz Elite Member Jan 23, 2019
myri-chan Jan 06, 2019
Quote by BushidoGaaraHappy New Year! Hope you're doing well.
Thanks bruh ! am fine ^.^ Happy New Year to u2 sending love & peace from Numidia Y(^3^)
myri-chan Nov 17, 2017
Quote by BushidoGaaraWow! I like that very much! Thanks a lot for that awesome birthday present. I can't believe that I turned 30, but I'm still 25 at heart. Thanks again! I appreciate it! ^_^
My pleasure ^3^ I am so glad you like it ! :3
i know that feeling,i also felt weird and a lil bluesy when i was 30,it's even more depressing for a lady ^.^'but i learned to deal with it *shrugs* i guess philosophizing is all we can do in cases like that Lol
*blushes* You're very welcome ^///^
myri-chan Nov 09, 2017
Didn't know it was ur birthday Bushido o.o Happy bithday ! i hope you will like my present ^.^'
Masterchief80 Jan 19, 2017
Thanks BushidoGaara for adding me to your friendslist.
Masterchief80 Jan 17, 2017
Thanks a lot for your all favs on my Senran Kagura scans BushidoGaara.
moritz Elite Member Jan 01, 2017
shirayuki-san Aug 15, 2016
myri-chan Aug 13, 2016
Quote by BushidoGaara
Quote by myri-chan
Quote by BushidoGaara
Quote by myri-chan
Quote by BushidoGaara
My Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo Wii still work to this day. I do have games on my PlayStation 4 like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Street Fighter V, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, and Overwatch. Playing online with other people is tough. There are some stores around my local area that still sell old gaming consoles at a low to medium price. It would be nice to go back to retro gaming!
I thought you had an old genesis console ^.^' fighting games are awesome but very hard,i always have problems with combos :/
it's really nice that you still can find where to buy those awesome consoles ^^ the snes,ps1 and the gamecube will always be my favs :3
i wish there were more games with the old style ! those games were unique ;.;I used to have the old Nintendo and Sega Genesis, but my parents sold them both. -_-
That's too bad :/ i still have my snes but it's not working well...now i use emulators to play ^^
What emulators do you have?
just freeware like snesx9 and mame ^_^
Masterchief80 Aug 13, 2016
Thanks BushidoGaara for your favs on my Senran Kagura scans.
myri-chan Aug 13, 2016
Quote by BushidoGaara
Quote by myri-chan
Quote by BushidoGaara
My Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo Wii still work to this day. I do have games on my PlayStation 4 like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Street Fighter V, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, and Overwatch. Playing online with other people is tough. There are some stores around my local area that still sell old gaming consoles at a low to medium price. It would be nice to go back to retro gaming!
I thought you had an old genesis console ^.^' fighting games are awesome but very hard,i always have problems with combos :/
it's really nice that you still can find where to buy those awesome consoles ^^ the snes,ps1 and the gamecube will always be my favs :3
i wish there were more games with the old style ! those games were unique ;.;I used to have the old Nintendo and Sega Genesis, but my parents sold them both. -_-
That's too bad :/ i still have my snes but it's not working well...now i use emulators to play ^^
myri-chan Aug 13, 2016
Quote by BushidoGaara
My Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo Wii still work to this day. I do have games on my PlayStation 4 like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Street Fighter V, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, and Overwatch. Playing online with other people is tough. There are some stores around my local area that still sell old gaming consoles at a low to medium price. It would be nice to go back to retro gaming!
I thought you had an old genesis console ^.^' fighting games are awesome but very hard,i always have problems with combos :/
it's really nice that you still can find where to buy those awesome consoles ^^ the snes,ps1 and the gamecube will always be my favs :3
i wish there were more games with the old style ! those games were unique ;.;